January is 3/4 over, and it's already 2pm today. I don't even know how this happens to me.
Yesterday, I started up a shop at www.1000markets.com, which is an interesting site- very different than Etsy. First of all, it's juried- which gave me a little anxiety. Would they like me? Would they really like me??
Yes, apparently they do. "We like your shop!" was the beginning of the email I got back from them. Well- thanks!
So to the right is a link to my shop on 1000Markets.
I'm working on setting up a shop on ArtFire too. I mean- it can't hurt to be exposed to different markets right?
Etsy accepts PayPal. 1000Markets accepts AmazonPayments. ArtFire accepts both. It'd be sweet if I could just consolidate this process- but what are you going to do?