Thursday, January 21, 2010

Time is flying

Today, I mean... well, January is too...

January is 3/4 over, and it's already 2pm today. I don't even know how this happens to me.

Yesterday, I started up a shop at, which is an interesting site- very different than Etsy. First of all, it's juried- which gave me a little anxiety. Would they like me? Would they really like me??

Yes, apparently they do. "We like your shop!" was the beginning of the email I got back from them. Well- thanks!

So to the right is a link to my shop on 1000Markets.

I'm working on setting up a shop on ArtFire too. I mean- it can't hurt to be exposed to different markets right?

Etsy accepts PayPal. 1000Markets accepts AmazonPayments. ArtFire accepts both. It'd be sweet if I could just consolidate this process- but what are you going to do?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm very busy. Very busy indeed!

I've been slacking off on getting the dog and cat collars posted on Etsy, but I just built a fabulous light box, and there are no more excuses!

I'm working on re-doing my photography and making a bunch of "springy" collars today- I'm already sick of winter. I always look forward to it, but after driving in the mess yesterday- I'm ready for dry roads (or a Subaru!)

So Happy New Year to you all- I hope it is a great year!
