Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I know it's just driving you nuts... how did she come up with such a creative name for her store?

That's Aidan. I started sewing catnip toys for him with my sewing machine propped up on a plastic tote bin in the corner of my room by the door to the attic.

And so Aidan's Attic was born.

I've since graduated to the sewing room, as it has been called for the last twenty years... no more sewing on the floor, and now produce dog and cat collars, leashes, and really snazzy camera strap covers. It has been a bit of a process, figuring out how to make products that I am happy with, but really fun! I love creating "things" and I have really high hopes for this endeavor and the places it will take me and the people I will meet. I have plans for expanding the product line, but gradually. Maybe wrist straps for point and shoot cameras, maybe guitar straps... who knows? I'm just going to enjoy the ride, and I hope you enjoy it too!

Thank you so much for visiting, and stop by often for updates and promotions!

Much love,
Liz and Aidan

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